Connecting the Community

Dear Friend,Rick Gaupo, Marion Polk Food Share President

Our mission is “to bring people together to end hunger and its root causes.”
Supporters tend to gravitate to the words “end hunger,” and of course, that’s a very good thing. It’s why we’re here.

But don’t miss the words “to bring people together” in that statement. Our services — and your wonderful support — are connecting people in our community with the nourishment and resources they need to live full, healthy lives.

That’s why I love the three stories in this edition of Harvester. Juanita talks about how gardening is helping houseless neighbors find purpose and dignity. Wendie is finding wholeness again by volunteering with us. And Pedro is working his way to better health thanks to one of our partners; he even says he’s sleeping better, comforted by the fact that friends like you are there to help.

I’m sure you’ll be inspired by these stories, too. And I hope you’ll consider another gift today, sparking more of these stories. Remember: Every $1 helps provide 3 meals!

Thank you!

Rick Gaupo

A Garden Helps a Community