Bienvenido a la búsqueda de personal de Marion-Polk Food Share.
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Area/Department | First Name | Last Name | Job Title | Team Contact |
Community Programs | Ben | Turner | Community Programs Coordinator | |
Community Gardens | Violet | Gardner | Farm and Garden Education Coordinator | |
Grants | Laura | Engle | Grants Manager | |
Food Drives | Loki | Coulter | Community Partnerships Coordinator | |
Volunteering | Kim | Hoover | Volunteer Manager | |
Donations and Sustainers | Megan | Hearn | Donor and Data Services Manager | |
Food Donations | Noe | Jiménez | Retail Food Resource Developer | |
Vocational Training | Olmo | Aguilar | HR Generalist & Front Office Supervisor | |
Youth Farm | Perla | Garcia-Villegas | Farm and Garden Education Coordinator | |
Home Grocery Delivery and Mobile Pantries | Rachel | Peterson | Mobile Pantry Coordinator | |
Events | Savannah | Langdon | Donor Engagement Manager | |
Warehouse | Tom | Oblack | Warehouse Manager |