Featured Partner – Minds In Motion Initiative Brain Injury Support Group

Minds In Motion Initiative Brain Injury Support Group has partnered with Marion Polk Food Share since 2017.

The Food Share provides an environment that is very welcoming and accommodating to people of all disabilities. Living with brain injury often involves barriers that lead to isolation and loneliness. Volunteering at the Food Share is a way to minimize that. Some of our members have said…

“it gives us a reason and motivation to get out of the house”

“it brings a sense of purpose and belonging”

“following a specific process like labeling, scooping, bagging, twist tying, while engaging in conversation is good exercise for the brain”

“it goes beyond me and serves a greater need”.

“We love the staff, especially Earl. He is fun to work with!”

We are thankful to be connected to the community in this way.

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