Owner, BAR Industries LLC
“Marion Polk Food Share is more than just ending hunger. It is a place where people can get food while they are struggling, but it is also a place where people learn job skills and learn about food preparation, from farm to table.” – Warren
Warren Bednarz first came to Marion Polk Food Share with a class in the MBA program at Willamette University. He joined the board of directors in 2009.
He is a real estate investor in the Salem area with the motto “investing in our community, investing in our home.” He is a Willamette University graduate (B.A. in economics, B.A. in political science and MBA).
Warren is actively engaged in the Salem community. He is a former Salem City Councilor and has been involved with the Rotary Club of Salem, Salem Multicultural Institute, Salem Alliance Church, Salem Downtown Association, Festival Chorale Oregon, and First United Methodist Church.
Warren has lived in Salem all of his life. He met his wife at Willamette University and they have raised three children in Salem.