A Muddy Field Has Turned into a Thriving Youth Farm
Because of the support of our community, a once empty field is now a successful farm. The Marion Polk Food Share Youth Farm is wrapping up its inaugural season at its new site on the Chemeketa Community College campus. Teens spent the summer planting and tending over 40 varieties of fruits and vegetables, resulting in a harvest of more than 10,000 lbs. of fresh produce.
The 15 Youth Farmers celebrated their successful summer with a graduation ceremony in front of family and friends at the new farm. Each Youth Farmer spent more than 200 hours working at the farm over the summer.
Youth Farmers are local students between the ages of 12 – 18. They are all active in the 4-H Youth Enviro Squad, a program of OSU Extension. At least half of the food that they grow at the farm is donated to feed people in need in our community.