Join Our Board

Who We Are

Marion Polk Food Share’s mission is to bring people together to end hunger and its root causes.

We distribute nutritious food for individuals and families to more than 100 local partners, including food pantries and meal sites, and deliver Meals on Wheels to homebound seniors and adults with disabilities. We operate an urban farm and support a network of community gardens that connect people and their food, and mobilize community members to address systemic issues that lead to hunger. We run the Iskam MәkhMәk-Haws food bank in Grande Ronde and the AWARE Food Bank in Woodburn.

Thousands of local volunteers, advocates and donors bring our mission to life every day.

Board Member Responsibilities

Members of Marion Polk Food Share’s Board of Directors serve as ambassadors to our mission and reflect back to the Food Share the values of the communities we serve. As unwavering supporters of the Food Share, Board members promote a culture of philanthropy, engagement and equity. Board members are integral in setting the strategic direction and ensuring the success of the Food Share’s key initiatives. They provide and seek financial support while ensuring the financial health of the Food Share. Board members demonstrate commitment to the organization, valuing trust, transparency, and accountability.

Marion Polk Food Share Board members are committed to fulfilling the following eight Roles and Expectations of the Marion Polk Food Share’s Board of Directors.

  • Represent Marion Polk Food Share to the community
  • Represent the community to Marion Polk Food Share
  • Set Marion Polk Food Share’s strategic direction
  • Support existing and developing initiatives
  • Financially support the Food Share
  • Ensure financial stability
  • Participate in Board development
  • Support a healthy organizational culture

The term of office is three years. Board members may be elected for a term shorter than three years to help provide balance to the composition of Board member terms. A Director may be reelected without limitation on the number of terms they may serve.

Desired Skills and Expertise

We strive to raise the voices of and be led by people with lived experience of systemic oppression and food insecurity. We seek a diversified board that genuinely reflects the communities we serve and furthers our commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion. Read our Equity Statement and Call to Action here. We encourage recommendations of BIPOC individuals and individuals with lived experience of food insecurity. We are currently recruiting for leaders with expertise in the following areas:

Community Organizing for Policy Change
Marion Polk Food Share seeks one or two individuals who will expand the board’s knowledge and expertise in community organizing and advocacy. We are seeking individuals who have direct experience working with organizations that are mobilizing the public to affect policy changes related to social justice and equity.

Marketing Operations & Promotion
Marion Polk Food Share seeks one individual who will expand the board’s knowledge and expertise in marketing operations and promotion.

Finance & Economics
Marion Polk Food Share seeks financial expertise to serve on the Finance Committee, provide oversight of financial results, budgeting, audit, and investment performance.

Capital Campaign
Marion Polk Food Share seeks one individual with experience working on a capital or comprehensive campaign, either as a volunteer or in a professional capacity.

Board Application

Please complete the following questionnaire if you are interested in becoming a Board Member with Marion Polk Food Share. If you have any questions, contact Maureen Wellette at .

Contact Information

Business Address

Skills & Experience

Please mark all categories in which you have experience:

Food Industry Roles

Areas of expertise where you might be of service:

Board Goverance


Optional Demographic Information

Marion Polk Food Share embraces diversity and inclusion as guiding principles and key strategies in achieving our mission. We are committed to attracting and retaining staff and board members that bring diversity of belief, background, identity, and race. We also strive to have a staff and board that reflect the diversity of people experiencing and working to end hunger in Marion and Polk counties.

Any information that you are willing to share with us will help us in our efforts to develop a diverse and inclusive Board of Directors. Please mark all that apply.

Date of Birth



Biracial/multiracial (select multiple options below)



Sex/gender identity
