Strengthening Our Community One Meal at a Time Strengthening Our Community One Meal at a Time Strengthening Our Community One Meal at a Time
Transforming Tables with Generosity Transforming Tables with Generosity Transforming Tables with Generosity
Nourishing Farmworkers’ Families in Woodburn Nourishing Farmworkers’ Families in Woodburn Nourishing Farmworkers’ Families in Woodburn
The Impact and Heart of Marion Polk Food Share’s Meals on Wheels Program The Impact and Heart of Marion Polk Food Share’s Meals on Wheels Program The Impact and Heart of Marion Polk Food Share’s Meals on Wheels Program
How Marion Polk Food Share’s Youth Farm Nurtures Future Leaders How Marion Polk Food Share’s Youth Farm Nurtures Future Leaders How Marion Polk Food Share’s Youth Farm Nurtures Future Leaders
Rising from the Ashes: AWARE Food Bank Reopens in Woodburn Rising from the Ashes: AWARE Food Bank Reopens in Woodburn Rising from the Ashes: AWARE Food Bank Reopens in Woodburn
Harvesting Hope: Sharing Fresh Produce with Local Families in Need Harvesting Hope: Sharing Fresh Produce with Local Families in Need Harvesting Hope: Sharing Fresh Produce with Local Families in Need
Mobile Pantry Serves the Underserved Mobile Pantry Serves the Underserved Mobile Pantry Serves the Underserved
Pantries Provide Relief Through Difficult Times Pantries Provide Relief Through Difficult Times Pantries Provide Relief Through Difficult Times
New garden offers community gathering space New garden offers community gathering space New garden offers community gathering space
Seniors welcome the return of in-person meals Seniors welcome the return of in-person meals Seniors welcome the return of in-person meals
Seniors make meaningful connections through volunteering Seniors make meaningful connections through volunteering Seniors make meaningful connections through volunteering
Need continues as pandemic benefits end Need continues as pandemic benefits end Need continues as pandemic benefits end